Thursday, 6 December 2012

Pakistan will have stealth fighters....the inevitable!

Pakistan's relationship is a one that is very close to China. It would seemed both are producing most military jets together. Pakistanis type of aircrafts is slowly moving towards types of China. There is no doubt J20 and J21, once ready will soon be in Pakistan's inventory.

Pakistan will feel the need to counter Indians T50 once they are brought into their airforce. Pakistani acquisition will definitely give USA a big headache, one, when competing with technology of China stealth, two, its marketability and three, her alignment to China as her ally. 

Affordability would not be an issue for Pakistan, not that they can afford it, rather they will regard it as national interest an still heavily throw their money away to own them, like they did in 1996 when they spent billions of money they did not have to aquire and test their nuclear weapons, while her people lack food, clothes, proper home and even education.This proves that prospect of war will make any governmenst do stupid things. USA for one who is always looking for war also spent beyond their means, especially under both bush's administration, bankrupting themselves more than the Russian did during the Cold War. Stupid is what stupid does!

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